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Form received!

To complete registration, secure payment can be made digitally (PayPal or credit card)*:

10%-off page for young musicians who are affiliated with Crowden in the following capacities:

  • Currently enrolled in Crowden lessons

  • Currently enrolled at the school

  • Enrolled at a Crowden camp immediately preceding the semester (for Fall semester)

If you are not Crowden affiliated or your most recent affiliation was prior to this summer, please return to the standard payment page. Thank you!

$382.5 per semester

$512 per semester

$512 per semester

or by check sent to: 

Young Musicians Chorus, 872 Erie Street, Oakland, CA 94610 

with your child's name in the memo field.

* When the payment form comes up, be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom, and n.b. that it won't accept "CA" – fussy bugger requires you either type or pull down "California"!

Thank you!

No family will be turned away for lack of funds.

To apply for financial aid, please click here.

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