YMC has three choruses, tailored to age and level of challenge desired:
musicus: one who plays or sings music — musician
musicum: pl. musicus

YMC took silver at the most recent
Golden Gate International Choral Festival!
For super bonus points -- it really makes a difference! -- use an ethernet cable instead of wireless. Better for school, etc, too!
If you have wireless, you have a router, and if you have a router, you can get a cable that goes to it directly for something like $9. If your laptop or device doesn't have an ethernet port, you can get a USB or other adapter. Contact me, if you'd like help!
Mercifully, Zoom is easy to use. Here is how to set it up:
WEAR HEADPHONES. This helps prevent feedback. Cord needs to be long enough that the singer can stand. (Extensions, if needed, are inexpensive.)
Ask other household members to hold off on any kind of streaming (video, facetime, etc). This helps minimize lag.

Step 1: Click on the arrow next to the "Mute" icon
Step 3: UNcheck "Automatically adjust volume" (otherwise Zoom assumes a sustained note, like when we sing, is background noise, and cancels it!)
Step 4: CHECK "Press and hold SPACE to temporarily unmute yourself"
Step 5: Click the "Advanced" button on the bottom right corner

Click on the Zoom link I emailed to you.
Set up Zoom for optimal performance in a rehearsal situation:
Step 2: Click on "Audio Settings" at the bottom of the menu

Step 6: CHECK "Show in-meeting option to 'Enable Original Sound' from microphone," then go ahead and close that window by clicking the "x" in the top right corner

Last step: Click "Turn on Original Sound" button (it's better for music) in the top left.

If you are using a device instead of a laptop, it may look a little different, but should have the same content. Info for devices at the bottom of this web page. I'm not sure about Chromebooks -- if you have one, please let me know if/how they differ. If you aren't able to set up this configuration, no worries! Join us as you are. :-)