Ages 10-17+
Collegium Musicum, under its former name, has performed to critical acclaim – despite the group's irreverent nature. Our members have been singing together for as long as 12 years, and on average 6. The kind of cohesion engendered by such a long-standing ensemble is rare amoung youth groups. We have developed a reputation for strong musicianship, challenging repertoire, musical character, subtlety of interpretation, and of course: self-accompaniment.
collegium: 1. An executive council of equally empowered members. 2. A group whose members pursue shared goals while working within a framework of mutual trust and respect. (American Heritage Dictionary)
collegium musicum: The original collegia musica came about during the Reformation, partially as a way for non-aristocratic lay-musicians — usually students — to perform sophisticated music, primarily for their own enjoyment. Under Bach and Telemann, these amateur ensembles were often both choral and instrumental.
St. Alban's Church
1501 Washington Ave.
Albany, CA 94706
(about a mile from Crowden)
Collegium Musicum has performed sets with the following choral organizations:
San Francisco Boys Chorus (First, Second)
Viva la Musica
San Francisco Choral Society
San Francisco Choral Artists
and participates in festivals:
First (and last) annual West Bay Choral Festival
HNU Choral Festival
July 2023: Golden Gate International Choral Festival – where we definitely made a spash! Took silver in the Contemporary division.
This group is hugely rewarding; each semester, attrition amoung those who still live here is usually zero. The music is challenging, however, so we do hold an informal audition. Potential new members are asked to please arrive at the beginning of B musicum (10:30 a.m.) on the first day to learn the material with which to demonstrate vocal independence and a clean sound.
Saturdays, noon - 1:30
14 weeks
Temporarily on hold while the post-pandemic air gap works its way through the pipeline! But B Musicum is singing Collegium material.
Tuition: $570 per semester
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